Thursday, January 16, 2025
Laamu Gan Posted at January 16, 2025 0 comments (+)

 A quick trip to Laamu Gan—it’s not my first time here, but every visit seems to bring a little moment of reflection. Even in such a short time, this island has a way of making me think about life. I love the beach here; it’s stunning and peaceful. Some of the locals are really kind, but I’ve also had my fair share of not-so-great experiences. I still can’t forget my first time here for work and how rude some of the hospital staff were to me.

Back then, I seriously doubted whether I could make it through life here in the Maldives. I kept second-guessing if this job was even the right fit for me. But looking at it now, it’s clear I’ve come a long way.

By the way, this trip feels unnecessary. I’m not sure why my boss tagged me along, especially since I’ve already done several training sessions at the hospital. Plus, these people have so many complaints about the product. Sometimes I really ask myself, why am I eve
n doing this? Lol.

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Sunday, January 5, 2025
faraway Island and extra thoughts Posted at January 05, 2025 0 comments (+)

I spent New Year’s with my colleagues on Hanimaadhoo Island. Honestly, I wasn’t too excited about it at first. I’m not great with big groups of people—they drain my energy, especially when I feel out of place. I had really hoped to spend New Year’s alone, in solitude. Maybe it sounds ungrateful, but that’s just how I felt.

Surprisingly, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I ended up having fun playing cards, and the food was good—though eating the same thing three times a day for three days straight did get old fast. By the end, I was so over it, but I guess that’s normal.

Still, I came back from the trip feeling completely drained. The thought of going back to work right after was just overwhelming.

For years, I’ve always spent Christmas and New Year’s alone. There’s something comforting about the solitude. But sometimes, I wish I could celebrat
e these occasions with my family somewhere special. I miss my mom’s cooking, the dishes I grew up with—my comfort food that brings back childhood memories. Those memories feel like a different lifetime, a time when everything seemed unchanging. It’s strange to think about how much life has shifted since then.

I suppose being this sentimental is forgivable, just this once.

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Tuesday, December 31, 2024
My 2024 Posted at December 31, 2024 0 comments (+)

This year, I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude. There are so many things I’m thankful for—blessings that seemed unending, many of which I never even expected. Looking back, it’s hard to believe how much has happened. I remember how 2024 began for me, with a whirlwind of emotions: hope that things would fall into place, frustration when they didn’t, heartbreak that I didn’t see coming, and so many dreams that felt both exciting and daunting. Now, as this year draws to a close, I’m filled with a deep sense of gratefulness—thankful to God for His unwavering love and endless grace.

I’m not perfect, and I don’t pretend to be. I’ve stumbled, I’ve struggled, and I’ve made mistakes. But I’m learning, growing, and striving to become a better version of myself. It’s a journey, and I remind myself every day that I am a work in progress. What amazes me the most is how, despite my imperfections, God has continued to bless me in ways I could never have imagined. His love feels like an anchor, steadying me even in the most uncertain times.

As the year closes, I’m working on letting go. It’s not easy. There are things—old wounds, unresolved emotions, and even grudges—that I’m still holding onto. Some of them are petty, and though I wish I could simply leave them behind, I know it’s a process. I’m only human, after all. Letting go of the hurt caused by people who’ve wronged me or the irritation from those who test my patience isn’t something that happens overnight. But I’m learning to rise above it, to let these things pass through me without consuming me.

When I think about 2025, I feel hopeful. I want to step into the new year with a bigger heart, a stronger spirit, and a more forgiving mindset. I want to embrace growth, even when it’s uncomfortable, and aim to be the best version of myself—not for anyone else but for me. I know it won’t be perfect, but that’s okay. It’s not about perfection; it’s about progress.

Here’s to a new year of becoming, of healing, and of showing up for myself in ways I never have before. Prayers for my family, friends, and for all the people I hold dear in my heart. May this new year bring peace, love, and endless blessings to everyone I cherish. 

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Monday, December 23, 2024
Damage Skin Posted at December 23, 2024 0 comments (+)

Some people feel the need to give unsolicited opinions, even when what they’re saying could be hurtful. Sure, it might be true, but for goodness’ sake, if you don’t have something kind to say, just don’t say anything at all. It might seem funny to you, but take a moment—think three times—about whether it’ll be funny to the person on the receiving end.

Making fun of someone’s appearance is beyond rude and insensitive. I can’t imagine ever doing that to someone. How can you shatter someone’s confidence just because you haven’t experienced their journey? It’s cruel, plain and simple.

Addy is honestly one of the worst people I know. He’s done this so many times—always has something to say about my appearance. And the thing is, I’d never do that to anyone, not even to him, because it’s just not kind. At the very least, have the decency to act like a decent human being. Oh well, I guess that’s just how he was raised.

And LOL, I still can’t figure out what his deal is. Why call out my skin texture? Yeah, it’s not perfect, and it’s never going to be perfect, but why even bring it up? He didn’t just mention it—he had to emphasize how “damaged” it is. Like, really? Hahaha. He even said something like, “You have damaged skin even though you use tons of skincare.” I was just sitting there, thinking, WTF is wrong with you, dude? That moment wanna punch his mouth ..

I felt so humiliated in front of everyone, and as if that wasn’t enough, he even called over another officemate to gang up on me. He started saying I must be stressed, and that’s why my skin is breaking out. Then, out of nowhere, he had the audacity to pitch some product he wanted me to try as a “sponsorship.” Seriously? Hahahahaha.

To be honest, I was so pissed at that moment. I could literally feel the heat rising from the back of my neck all the way to my head. I was sitting there wishing the ground would just swallow me whole, questioning my existence, like, Is this really happening right now?

I honestly have no words for this kind of person. There was a time when I’d feel so guilty even thinking something negative about him, but not anymore. No more regrets now.

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Monday, December 16, 2024
35th Posted at December 16, 2024 0 comments (+)

 Hey Journal,

Today marks my 35th birthday, and it feels like just yesterday I was in my twenties. Now here I am, stepping into 35 years of life. It’s both surreal and bittersweet to realize how quickly time flies.

What really hits me is the thought of my mom aging alongside me. She’s now double my age—she had me in her 30s—and it terrifies me to think that everyone I hold dear is growing older, too. Time seems so relentless sometimes.

But amidst all these reflections, I feel incredibly blessed. The life I have right now is overflowing with blessings, far more than I could ever deserve. God has been so good to me, not just in the past but also in the present. I have no doubt that His grace will continue to guide me in the years ahead.

I’m far from perfect and have so much more to learn about life. Lately, I’ve come to realize that life is a long journey, yet during times of struggle, pain, problems, and shortcomings, it becomes clear just how short it truly is. Life feels long on normal days, but when I pause to reflect, it’s astonishing how quickly everything unfolds—often faster than I realize in the moment.

These past few weeks, I’ve been so worried about my Ninang Nelia. It breaks my heart to think about everything she’s going through because of her illness—the burden it places on her physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially.

My cousin, John Paul, has been nothing short of amazing. His dedication, love, and commitment to his parents are truly inspiring. He’s been their rock through all of this, and I admire him so much for his strength.

My birthday wish this year is for my Ninang to find relief and healing, to overcome this challenging phase in her life, and for John Paul to be granted the courage and strength to keep going. I hope better days are ahead for both of them.

Dear Lord, Please guide and bless the people I love—my mom, my siblings, my nephews and nieces, and everyone close to my heart. Watch over them, keep them safe, and surround them with Your love and grace.

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Friday, November 29, 2024
Four Years of Growth Posted at November 29, 2024 0 comments (+)

Hey Journal,

Wow, time really does fly. It’s hard to believe it’s been four years already since I came to the Maldives. How have these years shaped me? Am I still the same person I was back then? Honestly, I think this place has definitely changed me in more ways than I realized.

I have so many memories, stories, and experiences from these past four years. I’m truly grateful for everything—the ups and downs, and for facing my fears and struggles when I first moved here. It feels like just yesterday when it all began, and in the blink of an eye, four years have flown by.

I feel at home now—Maldives has truly become my home, even though a part of me still longs for Singapore. What’s strange is that I don’t feel the same way about the Philippines, my birthplace. I spent so many years there, but it doesn’t give me the sense of comfort or belonging that I’ve found here.

Whenever I visit the Philippines, I miss my family deeply—my mom, my siblings, my nephews, and nieces. I treasure every moment with them, but I can’t shake the feeling of being a stranger. The streets, the familiar places, and even the memories feel distant, as if I’ve outgrown that part of my life. It’s a bittersweet feeling, knowing I’ll always love my family and the good memories from home, but realizing that my heart has found its home somewhere else.  

These past four years have been incredibly significant in shaping the person I am today. They’ve taught me to be tough, to look at life from a broader perspective, and to accept that I’m not perfect—and never will be—and that’s okay. I’ve learned to embrace defeat and failure because that’s how life is meant to be.

Some people might be lucky enough not to go through the struggles I’ve faced, but I feel fortunate in my own way. Those experiences taught me resilience, humility, and the value of growth. They’ve helped me understand myself better and appreciate life, not for its perfection, but for its lessons. I’ve come to realize that every setback carries the seed of wisdom, and for that, I am grateful.

The past four years have been filled with dreams and plans—so many of them—but life didn’t always turn out the way I hoped. At first, it was hard to accept, but along the way, life taught me something invaluable, to go with the flow. That simple mindset became the answer to so many of my worries, sleepless nights, and moments when I felt trapped by overthinking.

Looking back, I realize how much I’ve overcome, and that’s something I’m proud of. Through it all, God was there, protecting me in ways I didn’t see at the time. It wasn’t always obvious, but He reminded me to stay grounded, to keep my faith strong, and to trust in His plan. Those moments of struggle turned into lessons that strengthened me, and I’m grateful for the protection and guidance that brought me to where I am now.

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Friday, October 25, 2024
Pink Movement Posted at October 25, 2024 0 comments (+)

I've become increasingly politically aware as the Presidential election grows more critical. During that time, I felt the need to be vocal and involved because, as an adult, I finally realized that electing government officials is the collective responsibility of citizens like me. Leaders should uphold the highest integrity to deserve such a position of power.

I'll never regret supporting and holding high standards for Atty. Leni Robredo. She was the best Vice President the Philippines has ever had. To be honest, I was never previously involved in political discourse; I didn't think it mattered. But during that period, I felt a passion to become informed about these issues.

I was right. After Rodrigo Duterte took office, it felt like the Philippines began a downward spiral that hasn't slowed. It's disheartening to see fake news, trolls, and continued support for the Duterte clan. Issues like POGO, the ABS-CBN shutdown, the “fake” drug war, the West Philippine Sea dispute, and more—there are no words. It’s exhausting to keep fighting for a country where so many are misled by the temporary financial gain politicians offer, the rich keep getting richer, while the poor grow even poorer, and it’s incredibly unfair. People’s taxes are being looted, with only a few benefiting from money that isn’t even rightfully theirs. And those inept senators make my blood boil.

Political dynasties have turned public service into a family business for many politicians. Are they good at their jobs? I’d bet not. It’s the same faces, the same names, yet nothing ever changes in the Philippines. Honestly, it’s both frustrating and sad to witness.

Curse them,

To those who have disrespected Atty. Leni in any way—shame on you. I made one simple post on my Facebook, and Leisan had the nerve to comment, taking cheap shots at Atty. Leni. That was a low blow, and honestly, with what Leisan has been going through lately, maybe it's just what he deserves. Any empathy I had left is now gone. Good luck 

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